Secrets are practically every Pagan's favourite subject. From one perspective or another. |
Some speak loudly in favour of having secrets, some speak loudly against having secrets, some think that there is a need to keep some things in secret and others want to have a good definition for the word "secret" before they're willing to take a stand. Oh well, that's just normal in Pagan circles. | |||||||||
So..... |
Whatever one's stand is on Secrets, I'd like to make a couple points: |
Anyway... |
What ever your stance on secrets is - | |||||||||
The Pagan community isn't, unfortunately one might say, a happy-happy land, where nobody will never misuse or abuse anybody. Pagans are also humans and there tend to be bad apples in every basket. |
Even though you would very, very, very much want to belong to a group or learn from someone who claims to hold great knowledge, please don't get lured by some power-hungry wannabe Cult-leader. Common sense rules, folks! You do have a brain, don't you? Use it. |
Walk in peace. Please read the disclaimer page. |