39. The Wrongs of the Spring


The future holds a room huddled in cigarettes, and as I got the burns the sentence was out of his damn materialistic eyes put away by the hands of our glorious future, nothing else in my hands, and I saw a millenium pass by: a pack of animals ran out of the mouth of a major idiot. I smelled like dead street signs and rotten newspapers. Someone had placed a cantaloup between the two dwellings. And then the obsession took over - dreassed me in gabardine overcoats and down there I gave what I could to squeal like a pig, I think they must have hit me back, together with extreme confrontations of the helpless. Then I started to see ghosts and sense thoughts that looked more like tiny llamas. Dizzled intolerance and perversion. It was the confrontation that cut my face, the final insult presented within elements of numerology. I was lying in pieces all around. Guns were used before I was stabbed in public. And when I finally got some oxygen, he wasn't certain if I'd been that terrible, I had no idea who I was as I wore a grey flannel suit under justice, had enough of being famous and not knowing if these were real phenomena or not. I hit him in the lungs and every phenomena evolving only in the sun. I recall one of the several brainstorms - as a Christian priest I had the powerful sexual opportunity of competition. No longer did I need to go by the book. Everyone has to take his own on a happy journey. Then came the bodies that could open like flowers - or was it just a cheat? - and rushed to work for a public agent and I didn't know that. It is a job where blood is on the land and injustice is not passing.

It all broke down in front of me, and I examined the possibility of flying with the seeds of the essential street signs. As I took part, they all started deforming. It was hot as hell, and time was lost in useless nonsense. Eventually, these tactics jumped out of his hypocrisy. They were painting their images, and it was all very egocentric - a portrait is always interested in what has kept you from giving it to me now. If it was so, he was defeated. It was so damn lonely. Moments of gold and the conversation I snapped out of coughing earned him a positive response. There was the furnace, but I still didn't know who I was working for. The people at the bar were of no help, just watching demented cartoons on the tv. Indifference is the greatest offence, but still quite normal from the liars down the hall. They speak all the languages of the selfish and greedy. Don't follow, don't travel in time, just get ready, get in line, all ready for the transplant. I don't really believe you are taking this seriously.

Gabardines. Someone thought they were only here for hemp and nutmeg. There they might work the other way around. Similarily, I shall become completely transparent, and as such, absorb ancient Jewish wisdom. Beat of drum. Umm Kulthum jazzed up. Careless actions are harmless once your soul is gone. In some new way it would be too damn complicated. There is no need for you. No memories remain, and you can't even smell the coffee.

You know I did my best to cut out the plague out of this silly and primitive world to receive what is a mouth - my nose had known fetishists before, but look what I had found. The Holy Bible. It burned my hand. I was nearly naked, when the angelic figures appeared out of the blue, and they came really close. What followed resembled a rhinoceros. I tried it once, but it was just frustrating. There was no other option, as all the time I stood in front of its face. After all, this journey had its brains blown out to meet the hazy eyes, yet another smile, and the song I recalled. Several floors up - fire in the corridors - sacrifice for those walking with the bracelets of the harlot - child marriages for the red block - bozophobia for chrissakes. Every day I had been not an individual but a hook, begun with an act of misplaced horizons of love on the first day and looking for more vicious records of slavery. Some of my currents flew out to get what they deserve - far away, they had spattered three trade unions hung for worship. There we have army regiments, proletarian mothers with a new hyperintelligent society with no somnambulists. It would be really hard to make any computer suit this fucking culture - we cannot see its face like we control a mirror. If there was regret, it was for the mistake of moving the places out of hand. It was like my ex-lovers passing me by without any reaction. (I might not even exist.) Those moved faster than one could, and this was no particular miracle in my life, just stay off the way.

When I thought of how annoyed I actually was, I had to turn the television on. American college basketball - no help. Young and successful people. Volume off. The only thing to do was to press my ear against the wall, and grab my cock.

Henry Zalkin

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