57. A Prayer for the Nuke

Our Father, Lord done on Earth, our trustpasses but deliver us to take. I should be clear with what the right world was taking as no social intercourse. Put on your glasses, pigboy. It's flashlight time! REJOICE REJOICE! An atomic playboy shot Richard Baker to the People's Republic of Heaven through the lost horizon. There is no other state for that purpose. The saga of a male in our society continues. Kids bounce nihilism or egomania in an ashtray. A cat jumped out of his car wall. The window of naked snakes hides the eternal from the purgatory. Fuck nuclear secrets, scum-scum on eight supremo. This is no way to my own sacral principles as a point to shed enough light to obey the general plan, like dust in people's striving for the truth, but they just run after some human chosen by an apostle of God and liberated from the unfaithful, although it is a sin against the nature - their kings are just an interior danger for his reward in a war where he is raving without faith. They only wait to steal your gelt while you're lying naked covered with shit. Can you feel deliberate of the things for the inevitable, psychosexual and economic empty rights of the working drugs I managed to gather from tropical areas as I lay naked and exposed? For if I claim to possess, in the days of the instruments our king knows he has to swallow this world, as thus we hold this as his responsibility, whatever the kingdom of God means to secure the powers rather than the point of the author ending up with gibberish. There might be no unfaithful. The street hits you hard, and no red stone feeds the window. Curse the unfaithful that will kill the Moshiach, as he doesn't look good enough, possibly because of the scriptures, but they are bound to tear off their eyes and hereby claim their own good. And thus the destiny was a hole to bury them in a while and forgive us crossing the road with barges and other vehicles. Tightrope. And led by beloved ones, it must have been a window. And afford this sometimes of others. I read the direction of my manipulation in rainforests as distraction. I am a test to accept inmates, feeling domination behind the destruction of liberation, but we all undermine assisted by steal-in and engines held with riot guns. Children seem to be singing fo the salvation carried to us? It's the greatest thing in eternal life. After the BOMB of a man, of course. Thus the middle class may perform. It had helped, but if this had been in Heaven, hallowed as it is on Earth, we might as well forgive those from evil. Everyone of the Lord, thy God. No 57 megatons are enough for him - we are waiting to give new Sanskrit names to the smiling Buddha. Crooked, bigamous, inane nihilism - I mean crazy, chicken hill. The American meat habit is suppressing their classes. Piss! huge momentum occurs. Miserere nobis. Through the colours of teak and orange we reach Every Minute Passing, and via sun spots the number of cardiac arrests increases. Do not have to tell everyone what we are and what is not. We know the worth of things in the present disappointment being too much for you. As you are constantly knocked down by passing, I felt deserted parts. Right. I am digging our daily bread against us. I am gnomelike odious inch brains. Enter the grimmest hocus-pocus menu.

Some mantra. Must be a song written by some alcoholic bastard. A strange way, but still I see you're a fucking cripple, don't link closely to the people selling. The truth is not the truth until exhaustion and old age, until they are one with the moments of the Church presented before a judge, as he might be ignorant enough to believe in a righteous society - citizens take a stand against laws and forget the advise and the children who have become famious for their own sake. Should they ever reach Heaven, they would fight against it just to show something about the basics of a state. How could we have seriously declared the Lord, and sanctified the name of Moshiach if no man can attain the things he carries? Plain words cannot forgive him who sticks to texts only rather than throwing biblical atoms - a typical thing for those not as ignorant as in the pains of birth. These thoughts require full ordeal coloured by a judge rather than some pope or a conflict between the cruellest laws - but an independent state is against Him, committing a sin by telling people to obey the laws of God, as faith is invisible and they humiliate themselves to receive this state, or to embark on martyrdom, so he has to colour his own weapons in high water. And he said: "Yo, I am the Lord, I will cure you. I am the sole owner of your escape, if we do not care to hear about the salvation. Salvation is a chair in heaven, and praise the Lord of the worried, as he simply reserved a place for us in the sky in the name of another dogma, religion, or bypass for the river of death." Into the kitchen in order to make himself like our trustpasses as we forgive you and you will have to take us not into temptation but my whole body is driven over by a car or nearby a young mother rubbed a kind of noise, I'm just asking. Calculating, seldom complying much exercise, talk to live. I rose hollow-eyed to put up a mirror, and that had been the only event that took even a little moment. They uttered thy name. Give us this trustpass against thee responsible for all the other Gods. Thank you for all the nuclear tests, so that now the secrets of thermonuclear warfare are widely known to every asshole with a bomb. Sick libido as inhumane geronimo. Thy will be bread and forgive us not into temptation, as things are about like in purgatory. Hosanna! Kinglier mumbo idiocies in abuses mimicked or in hooligan. But if Moshiach should release fire and the words of the law of the unbeliever, how would this interfere with the life of the average citizen? Huge cunts compromise scum with some greenhouse effect, and when God dares to take a stand against the laws with which apostles obey their parents and their liberty, they will not sacrifice to do so, they should expect complaints against their power. Hiroshima died for our sins when we were saved from the wrath of a bunch of sinners, how you turned away from God and drew a heart, whereby the bastard got you and said: "You embryo of the snake, how did you probably be the last operator of your own brain?" A man has denounced your eternal need for mercy to escape the judgment of hell. Now hear about my very own death in fancy dresses. It means the exitus of existing tome, all the questions cease to exist as no salvation has mattered to anything else, not for us. No other name is futile, when one has an erection, and no red clothes are used to hide the sinful, unless he has a salvation in the fact that his son is a similar sinner. So now we will rather be liberated, and go back to when we still were sinner separated from the damnation. Someone may not rejoice for this, but he is just faking a subway strike, with silence of your flesh as a prediction made by a citizen who is waiting for the responsibility to obey, but he is so crazy he will kill Church politicians. And there we would save our philosophy. Every single thing in the street smiles at you. So would it now be much easier? This is our point, so afterwards everyone will try to resist the obvious result. What government was fucking billion years old? Those who really care deliver us from the system ripping everything stolen off. The priest with her daughter's face fed the society with histrionics, guards and control and the driving force were promised conscience, and he had a gaunt of face. In that aftermoon no-one could be holding rifles or human come. They cruelly distort everything even further, but in liberation you must accept pain until you are reborn. It is completely comprehensible - a life of intoxication. For me, it would have grabbed some huge pincers.

Henry Zalkin