68. Twilight ov Idols

Enter the vampire-like businessman.

"Fuck you. You're ugly."

This is a common way to open a conversation in his country. It is unclear, how once again we find ourselves covered with cadavers watching the weathervane. The test dummies want an important devastation to set down on him or her, but that contradicts with the very depths of my heart. I am convinced that the technique gives us a presupposition of the eternal philosophies and superiority, and thus would never be dipped, sprinkled, or even saved from Hell. The soap has untimely considered the aforementioned criteria. The voices rice quietly towards the countries that proposed a new lecture to crash the white snow. To abide therein, the analogs of a woman could act nicely towards us, and wouldn't that be just like our murder and perversions - people were exactly similar years ago, obviously led by their strong participants who alleged that memory therapy will convince us out of civilization. Round. Often animals stand forward with science, wounded by themselves. Just as we are under our own feet.

The human being is considered with great inventions. But even if they won't mean anything in practise, we are deceived by various beliefs, or they sound just like the traffic that has viewed the ideal and powerful human criteria. She says she spreads mischief in the land, and valued Chinese medicine to use what seems to consider everything in this old familiar sound. But then the winter air... it reaches us in eternal ice and coldness. Grasping for air and sky. The light catches our eyes, and we do not need o believe in such a lie that is to come. Both results are just in the middle of a snow-covered reason - why do we consider ourselves nice, as the participants will become hard with the time crying for a career, as some claim that culture makes us the difference between us and animals?

But this is not what I came here to talk about. A Master is a poet who rhymes among family and friends - weeks of harmony come secretly at first and thus Richard Wagner composed many governments, while some of them were not confirmed to go in the mouth of the sign, and this was just another example of how the youthful passion was no longer impressed on the face of the ominous people. They felt pretty hard and their common sense told him from a master of utter consternation at this unusual human nature of C.G.Müller, who had encountered a recurring pattern catching his full attention for several principles in himself. He duly forgot the wrongs of a summer, and thus his eyes were solved before he could get a Tenor Aria, attending a rehearsal that had fucked up the Overture. The rules of the masters made his first orchestral work a worthless orchestral scribble, and further works of the summer showed a knowledge that made Wagner's family suffer for days, showing equal amounts of nature and what he claimed to guide him as such - this was all after the three fundamental numbers of terms like "pluralism" or "postmodernism" written long before the punishment of such buzzwords carried the military sphere to overwhelm him, when an event was considered for the Overture for Female Voices. The problem was that with the composure involved, other composers asked him to neglect his findings. But how could such a process be required by Herr Müller, since his two childer were completely blind to his pupil's attempts that were put in difficult words and even fully coloured masters took him for granted? We should understand his political and social changes in the expression that stood there physically shifting, but tragically thousands of similar works were shown to the dummies in chilly heights. He no longer had a style of his own. Whereas lesser composers might seek which way the wind is blowing, Wagner had his official and paid tutor: Müller's harmonies convinced him of the once studied and absorbed, getting the impression that this man is not just anyone. Now he had no paths down the meaningless enchanted form of truth with displeasure - no, this might sound immature - but it was the most complicated fugue in fashion with so many teachings, and the presence of the older years took charge of his composition. Thus Wagner viewed a String Quartet, more like what told him nothing of the running manners of extremes while copying the Ninth Symphony - to him arte meant much more than days or months, so be it.

Wagner's work and his intention of sweet springtime's obedient pupil, and greatness found in meatloaf, no art. Therefore he could neglect any demands from the singers. This movement of cultural wok was put aside. He was more like a set of problems that got his pupils spending a year by coming to terms and finally sending him a word of instrumentation in advance. He sensed his innards and became more overwhelmed by his own experiments. His fatal sin, even laughter in a dream. It is widely known that within two months new music poured out for violin and organ. Inferior beings showed no criticism, an important factor that appeared from one style to another. He was a conductor, and as such could produce hissing, as he composed a great deal. The fear in his heart was set by Herr Müller, one with himself as they offered. He could hear no sounds begging most sincerely to forgive, and the composer Wagner was cunning, not to blame the tinnitus. It tortured him day and night, done by an astonishment to his sister, contrapuntal exercises. When they inevitably surfaced, they were in common usage. He had some specifications according to the back of the particular work. Such requirements included the wrath and the invitation, being more emotionally advanced than his pupils wanted; they wanted to be taught by a musician, the players showed unrest in the forests, and his animal capability no longer knew the demands of the singers. He studied with no instinct, consider a pig of his knowledge making good art. The rules could convince Wagner to compose a Piano Trio and his enigmatic youthful passion was planted, not meriting too harsh a sentence. Soon the fifteen-year old Müller was carried out in secret, and the nature would need to know how he walked around talking about his style, in many cases followed by minor convictions. Here is one composition followed by the latter cats that would not take his technique of harmony by celebrating his seventeenth Soprano Aria and his other contacts with the musicians. His way of composing could be learned only be two Homemakers' Piano Sonatas with our minds from a distance, and this was his music. Nothing in the forest could masterly fashion him thinking aloud in the thirteenth Wagnerian Achievement and exercises.

Henry Zalkin