Installation (wood, used tarp, recycled fabric, slip casting, looping video (05:11), looping soundscape (07:14).
207 x 200 x 300 cm.
Totalitarianism hasn’t disappeared from the face of the Earth. I wasn’t left behind when humanity moved on to this new millennia. It doesn’t make its appearances only on far-away, strange lands.
In a totalitarian system how things appear to be is always more important than how they actually are. Totalitarian art depicts the world as if the state ideology had been perfected in its most ideal shape. Truth is always secondary. Art is used to inform people how they are expected to be in order to be considered good citizens. An individual can either adapt or suffer the consequences.
(That) Total Age is an interpretation of ideal humans depicted in totalitarian art, condensed into an installation. The stage has been set. Tyranny and ideal subjects are present. However, things may not be quite like they seem to be. Identities have been imposed, but have the subjects truly subjugated?
Exhibited at Brinkkalan Galleria, Turku.
Single face á 100€, otherwise not for sale.