(Let's just call both types "Dream Lovers" for brevity's sake, shall we?)
- There is no "boring everyday life" with Dream Lovers. It's just... sex.
- You don't have to tell Dream Lovers what it is you especially like in bed. They're in contact with your subconscious, you know.
- Distance is not an issue. Move where you want and your Dream Lover can follow without a problem.
- There aren't any "you don't love me anymore!"s. If you get bored - just banish the bastard!
- No need to hassle with condoms. (Astral protection is still advicable...)
- You don't have to take your Dream Lover to meet your parents.
- Dream Lovers can shapeshift. Imagine the possibilities!
- You don't have to worry about unexpected pregnancies. (At least those are very, very rare.)
- No fighting over silly things like who left the toilet seat up or where a tooth paste tube is supposed to be squeezed.
- You won't get "I'm having a headache" or "Not now, it's that time of the month!" from a Dream Lover.
- Dream Lovers aren't stuck at being one sex. Not even being one sex at the time...
- You won't get nagged to change your diet and excercise more. On the dream planes, weight is not an issue. Neither is your physical condition.
- A Dream Lover won't whine how you're using it just for the sex. That's the whole deal with them anyway.
- Even the most egoistic person can find an ideal sex partner. Just summon a Dream Lover who wears your looks.
- Dream Lovers won't get drunk and embarrass you at a party.
- They don't mind if you got drunk and embarrassed yourself at a party.
- You will never have to worry about what to say in the morning and whether you're supposed to cook them breakfast or not. Once you wake up, they are gone.
- They won't run off with your best friend and hang around in your favourite night-out joints making you jealous.
- If your Dream Lover does run off with somebody else, just summon another!
- You won't be hearing "When are you going to make me a decent Incu/Succubus?" No earthly instance would marry you anyway.
- Dream Lovers don't that much care if you have other Dream Lovers. Not even the same time with them.
- They won't complain about your cooking. You are always serving them their favourite dish: you. (They might, however, complain about the dinner being late if you happen to suffer from insomnia...)
- Dream Lovers won't move in and never pay any rent. Their upkeep is free anyway.
Faerie K.
(Distribute at will, just keep my name in there!)