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Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram (LRH)

This ritual is to be performed after the "Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram"1 (more commonly called Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, LBRP).

The Ritual

I. Stand upright, feet together, left arm at side, right arm across body, holding the wand or other weapon upright in the median line. Then face East, and say:

II. "I. N. R. I. Yod. Nun. Resh. Yod. Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother. Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer. Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen. Isis, Apophis, Osiris, IAO."

III. Extend the arms in the form of a cross, and say: "The sign of Osiris Slain."

IV. Raise the right arm to point upwards, keeping the elbow square, and lower the left arm to point downwards, keeping the elbow square, while turning the head over the left shoulder looking down so that the eyes follow the left forearm, and say: "The sign of the Mourning of Isis."

V. Raise the arms at an angle of sixty degrees to each other above the head, which is thrown back, and say: "The sign of Apophis and Typhon."

VI. Cross the arms on the breast, and bow the head, and say: "The sign of Osiris Risen."

VII. Extend the arms again as in 3 and cross them again as in 6, saying: "L.V.X., Lux, the Light of the Cross."

VIII. With the magical weapon trace the Hexagram of Fire in the East, saying: "ARARITA" (atirara).

Which word consists of the initials of a sentence which means "One is His Beginning: One is His Individuality: His Permutation is One."

This hexagram consists of two equilateral triangles, both apices pointing upwards. Begin at the top of the upper triangle and trace it in a dextro-rotary direction. The top of the lower should coincide with the central point of the upper triangle.

IX. Trace the Hexagram of Earth in the South, saying: ARARITA.

This hexagram has the apex of the lower triangle pointing downwards, and it should be capable of inscription in a circle.

X. Trace the Hexagram of Air in the West, saying: ARARITA.

This hexagram is like that of Earth; but the bases of the triangle coincide, forming a diamond.

XI. Trace the Hexagram of Water in the North, saying: ARARITA.

This hexagram has the lower triangle placed above the upper, so that their apices coincide.

XII. Repeat I-VII.

The Banishing Ritual is identical, save that the direction of the Hexagrams must be reversed.


In the Golden Dawn system, LRH is a ritual one receives after being initiated to the Adeptus Minor2 grade, which means it has been preceded by few years of study. It pays to be thoroughly familiar with LBRP before starting with LRH. The LRH introduces the practitioner to working with solar powers (the symbol used in this ritual is hexagram, a symbol of the sun) connected to the elements, in connection of both invocations and banishings. In the esoteric sense the solar power is manifested in all four elements, so one can "tap into" sun's energies in all its manifestations through LRH.

The ritual seems to be fairly simple, but closer look reveals a number of dimensions. As with so many other significant rituals, the deeper connotations will "open up" with studies. For this particular reason the meanings given in this commentary of the ritual are rather superficial.

One is advised to practise this ritual until the hexagrams drawn appear very vividly in air, almost strong enough to be seen by those witnessing the ritual.

Looking a Little Closer

I. - "Wand or other weapon". Weapons include wands, staffs, swords, daggers and other "penetrating" tools of the Mage.

II. - "I.N.R.I." This is a magickal formula, study its gematria. You can choose to use the meaning familiar from Christianity, it definitely isn't the only available option and even then it refers to an archetype, not a historical person. LRH is a solar elemental ritual and the I.N.R.I. formula has correspondences in elements, zodiacal signs, planets, gods etc.

. "Yod, Nun, Resh, Yod." This is I.N.R.I. in Hebrew alephbet.

- "Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother." Virgo associates to Isis as a virgin, the Great Goddess, mother of Horus and wife of Osiris. This part, like all the others, have also qabalistic meanings.

- "Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer." Scorpio associates to Apophis, the Apophis-snake who destroys chaos in the Egyptian mythology.

- "Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen." Sol, that is, sun, associates to the slain and risen Osiris.

- "Isis, Apophis, Osiris, IAO." IAO is a magickal formula. In its most simplified interpretation: I, Isis, nature who is spoled by A, Apophis the Destroyer and brought back to life by O, Osiris the Redeemer.

III - This sign is the Qabalistic cross, familiar from the LBRP.

IV - Mourning Isis, the sign represents also the swastika.

V - Typhon, the trident.

VI - Osiris risen, the pentagram.

VIII-XI - The hexagrams are situated in different directions according to astrological order. Each of the hexagrams used consist of two different triangles, but these triangles form four different hexagrams. Only the hexagram of south is the most familiar hexagram, known also by the name of "Star of David".

The hexagram of fire represents the solar energy we can connect to. The hexagram of earth in turn represents solid, mobile and tangible solar energy, which forms matter. The hexagram of air represents the solar energy we can internalize and draw inspiration from. The hexagram of water in turn represents solar feelings we can sense.

The hexagrams are considered to be formed from two basic triangles, the basic forms of creation: fire and water. Therefore the hexagrams can be visualized bi-coloured. The upright triangle is the blue triangle of water and the downright triangle the red triangle of fire. The one exception is the hexagram of fire, which has both triangles one point up. With this hexagram, the first triangle is red and the second blue.

While drawing and visualising these hexagrams, you can meditate on each of them separately. With the hexagram of fire, you visualise fire as part of yourself and at the same time yourself as gaining the radiating power of the universe through the symbol. The hexagram of earth is visualised as being the expanding, inspiring and cleansing forces of the universe. Through the air we breathe, these forces become attainable and usable. The hexagram of water brings along the feeling aspects of sun and yourself, as well as love. The hexagram of earth in turn is the perfect material embodiment of creation. With this symbol, the qualities of the three other hexagrams are combined in perfect balance.

In the banishing form of this ritual, performed after the more microcosmically, internally cleaning and sealing LBRP, the LBRP banishes and protects the mage from outside forces and influences.

This ritual is said to have many effects on those who have internalized it; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. All these because solar workings affect one's whole being.

Sources include:
- Crowley, Aleister: Liber O vel Manus et sagittae sub figura VI.
- Crowley, Aleister: 777
- Stavish, Mark: Notes on the Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram

Faerie K.

Previously published in Finnish in Pakanaverkko ry's magazine Vox Paganorum 3/02.